Priya Ayyar's fundraiser for Vibha Striders

Fundraising for Vibha Striders 2024

Visiting India to reunite with family and friends is always fun, with innumerable sights to enjoy and amazing food to eat. But the sight that invariably pinches my heart is watching all the "little people" touting their wares at every traffic light. A morose reminder of how hard life can be if you are not privileged enough to get a good start. The underprivileged and even harder hit during the pandemic, with life being a struggle for these kids to even get some of the basic necessities that we take so much for granted.

What can be more basic for a child than having a right to food and education? I've decided to do my bit to help these children rebuild their lives for a better present and future. I can't do this alone and I need help from all you generous people, who are looking for ways to do something about the after-effects of the pandemic. 

Fortunately, there are organizations like Vibha, with a mission to create a brighter future for these children. And I am embarking on an attempt to make a difference in my own way. "I take the pain, you take the gain" will be my motto as I enlist your help in raising funds, this time for Vibha (more to follow :)). So please join me and help me contribute to this worthy cause. I promise to give my all and pull through on my commitment. You don't have to donate a lot to make a difference. A mere $20 or $30 can make a big difference. Here are some numbers that show every little bit helps:

● $50 - funds rehabilitation of a child with learning disability
● $100 - funds educational materials for five children
● $200 - funds libraries with pictorial books in two villages
● $500 - funds immunizations for 15 children
● $1,000 - funds a small education center for 28 children

Wish me luck as I "run" this path. :-) I greatly appreciate you helping me meet my fundraising goal!

Vibha Striders is Vibha’s premier marathon training program. We provide marathon training to new as well as experienced athletes in a close-knit family environment. We strive to help you make running a part of your active lifestyle, stay injury free, and get to the finish line while having a lot of!

Vibha is committed to bringing together both the public and private sector to strengthen infrastructure and provide mechanisms for sustainable access to education. Through Vibha's model of seed, scale, and grow, our projects, as an example, have helped expand public education programs from 15 to 43,000 schools in one state in India. As a result, this success has now become the template to expand to other states.

We believe that moulding young minds will give them the freedom to choose a better life. 

Every dollar we raise, is another massive step to helping these kids achieve their dreams.


Vibha is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a vision to ensure that every child attains his or her right to quality public education. Our mission is to enable scalable solutions to drive excellence in the quality of public education. Vibha uses Seed, Scale, and Grow model to ensure that a ‘scalable, sustainable and replicable’ end result is achievable and continue to extend the reach of our solutions with quick turnaround time. One of our core principles is to ensure that every project makes optimal use of the resources and funds available, to develop a community centered on innovative thinking.

About Vibha

Vibha's vision is to ensure every underprivileged attains quality education. Vibha educates, enables and empowers, individuals who wish to make a positive impact on the lives of underprivileged children. Since our inception in 1991, Vibha has supported more than 250 projects in India and 10 projects in the US. As a result, Vibha has been able to reach out to and provide opportunities for over 2.3 million underprivileged children. Currently, Vibha supports 15 projects in India and 3 projects in the US.

All donations to Vibha are tax deductible. Vibha is a 501(c)(3) organization, registered in the USA in the State of New Jersey. Vibha's Tax ID is 22-3122761.





Thank You Donors

Deepa Renukaradhya $50
Shilpa Viswanathan $50
Parul Sharma $50
Anonymous $50